BAY AREA MARINE SURVEYING P.O. Box 1202, Kingsland, Texas 78639 · 512-755-1389 · Fax 830-265-4050
Client Name:________________________________________Date:__________________
Type of survey: (pre-purchase, insurance, damage, other)___________________________
Vessel name/Official number:_________________________________________________
Hull material: (FRP, wood, steel, aluminum)______________________________________
Engines: (Single/Twin, OB, IB, IO, diesel, gas) Make:______________________________
Survey date:_______________________________________
Vessel location:________________________________________________________
Haul out yard:_______________________________________Time:_______________
Note: Arrangements for haul-out and payment for haul-out are normally the responsibility of the party contracting
for the survey, and not included in the survey price.
Sea trial:___________________________
Oil samples:________________________
Price US$__________________________ (Due at time of inspection)
Terms and Conditions
Our survey procedures, described below, conform to standard practice for marine surveys by the Society of
Accredited Marine surveyors. The mandatory standards promulgated by the U.S. Coast Guard, under the authority
of Title 46 United States Code; Title 33 and Title 46 Code of Federal regulations (CFR), The voluntary standards
and recommended practices developed by the American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC), and the standards of
the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), will be used as guidelines in the conduct of this survey, but
complete compliance with such standards is not guaranteed. The following procedures are used in our surveys
for the exclusive use of the person named as "Client" of this agreement. The survey is not transferable to any
other person or entity and the information provided here is for the use of this client only.
A condition and valuation survey will include reasonable visual inspection of all vessel parts where accessible,
including the apparent condition and safety of these parts and of installed equipment. A written survey report will
be prepared after a thorough visual examination of the hull, deck, topsides, machinery, rigging, hardware, and
equipment. The survey report will include a comprehensive description of the vessel, a statement of the fair
market value and replacement value and recommendations for items necessary to reasonably ensure safety and
the fitness of the vessel for its intended service. Minor cosmetic issues not materially affecting value may not be
addressed. Latent defects may exist that are not discoverable under normal inspection methods, and no
warranty is offered with respect to latent defects.
All normal accessible parts of the vessel will be inspected. Fixed parts will not be removed, including fittings,
fasteners, furniture, or joiner-work. Locked compartments and lockers cannot be inspected. Owners, sellers, or
their representatives (captain, broker, etc.) should make sure that the vessel is prepared for survey with
compartments unlocked, stores and excess equipment removed, and maximum access to all areas of the vessel
Machinery, belts, hoses, tanks, and piping will be visually inspected where normally accessible. No
disassembly, sampling, destructive testing, chemical or physical analysis, compression or pressure testing or
will be performed except by prior arrangement and with written permission of the owner of the vessel. Machinery
and equipment may be inspected while operating only when the owner or owner's representative (captain, broker,
etc.) is present to operate the machinery. Depending on conditions observed visually, further testing may be
For sailing vessel surveys, spars and rigging will be visually inspected as accessible from on deck, and sails will
be inspected as found furled or bagged unless other arrangements are made prior to the survey. Depending on
the observations, further inspection may be recommended.
Determination of inherent design and stability characteristics is beyond the normal scope of the marine survey.
The survey report is not to be considered an inventory or a warranty, either specified or implied. The survey will
not express or guarantee the future condition of the vessel.
The written report will be available not more than five (5) working days after the physical inspection unless prior
arrangements are make for a "rush" delivery. The report will not be made available to any other party without the
permission of the client. The client is encouraged to attend the survey, and verbal consultation may be provided
prior to delivery of the written report. Payment is due at the time of the inspection.
I understand that the survey report does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the subject vessel. The report is a
statement of the apparent condition, a list of recommendations, and an opinion of the Fair Market Value at the time of
the survey only. I have read and hereby agree and consent to the terms and conditions of this agreement.
_________________________________________________ _______________
Signature of person contracting survey. Date
Boarding Authorization: Daniel J. Ginder, marine surveyor, is hereby authorized to board the above named vessel for
the purpose of conducting a marine survey.
_________________________________________________ _______________
Signature of owner or authorized agent. Date